Plastic Industry Service

Our company, ECEBD is the leading marketing consultant company in the field of plastics industry within the Central and Eastern European region. We can quote most leading plastics manufacturing and compounding firms as well as resin manufacturers among customers. The information contained in our ChemIT plastics processing database is accessible to these firms.

The obvious and dynamic development of the plastic converting industry in Central and Eastern Europe, expanding by 8-9% annually warranted the development of a plastic raw material price monitoring system in the region, reflecting local prices, which provide the stakeholders with weekly updated price information. 

This offers an unmatched possibility for the market players and for the end-users to get acquainted with the price levels prevailing in a given country, so that converters could optimize their raw material purchasing costs using these benchmark values on the one hand, and raw material manufacturers could observe and determine the relevant prices and development tendencies on the given market on the other hand.

We firmly believe that our service provides the necessary level of information for both converters and resin manufacturers, and it makes easier the daily business for them.

II. Our service
We provide price information collected from the following countries:

  • Hungary
  • Czech Republic
  • Slovakia
  • Poland
  • Romania
  • Serbia and Montenegro
  • Slovenia
  • Bulgaria
  • Croatia
  • Ukraine
  • Baltic States (3 countries)

Resins involved in the monitoring system include first polyolefins in 2006, with the following grades:

  • LDPE film
  • LDPE general purpose
  • HDPE injection molding
  • HDPE injectioin blow moulding
  • HDPE pipe (80)
  • HDPE pipe (100)
  • HDPE pipe (63)
  • HDPE film
  • PVC homopolymer injection molding
  • PP homopolymer fiber
  • PP homopolymer film
  • PP co-polymer clear plastic molding
  • PP co-polymer general purpose

Price information is provided of these resin types weekly (every Monday at am 9:00 CET), including the typical average, minima and maxima of the previous week, per country and per resin type and the name of it’s supplier.

III. Method of data collection
350-500 plastics converters participate in the information collection and research activity from the listed countries. When selecting the sample we paid due attention to achieve a representative coverage for each country and for each resin type.
Collected data are published in an aggregate manner so that data of individual firms never appear. We assume a legally binding responsibility to handle all data confidentially and never make them available in any detailed form to any third party.

If a plastic converter firm registers and signs an agreement with us, in return for a weekly 5 minutes (telephone based )information collection procedure we provide a free access to the price monitoring results collected in the given country.

The service is available to anyone until May 31th 2006. Thereafter it remains free only for our contracted partners, for others it will be accessible in return for an annual payment ([email protected]). Please indicate your possible intention to participate in supplying the data, as the number of participant firms is strictly limited.

IV. Prices
Our price packages have been designed according to three different levels of interest. 

“Bronze package”

Weekly polymer prices
It contains benchmarked prices with weekly resolution. Yearly prices of the service are shown in the table below:

€/year/unitLDPE/ yearHDPE/yearPP/yearTotal/year
Czech Republic200200200600
Serbia and Montenegro200200200600
Slovenia, 200200200600
Bulgaria, 200200200600
Croatia, 200200200600
Ukraine, 200200200600
Baltic States(3 countries)200200200600

Information may be ordered for any country or for any polymer type individually, i.e. for a single resin type in a single country (for any element of the matrix). 
1 unit equals: 1 country, 1 resin (eg: Hungary#LDPE; Bulgaria# PP)
Exemption: The Baltic States are counted as one country.

– Benchmarked prices with weekly frequency (Based on information collected from 350-500 plastic processors)
– Weekly Best Manufacturers price / Country / Resin Type
– Detailed information of the manufacturers (Company/Country)
– Detailed information of the distribution firms (Company/Country)
– Monthly Price Benchmark special for Converter

Structure of the weekly resin price information

Code€/tonAverage pricesLow pricesHigh pricesBest resin price of the week provided by:Expected changes for next week
Country1LDPE film
2LDPE general purpose
3HDPE injection molding
4HDPE blown
5HDPE pipe (80)
6HDPE pipe (100)
7HDPE pipe (63)
8HDPE film
9PP homo-polymer injection molding
10PP homo-polymer fiber
11PP homo-polymer film
12PP co-polymer Clear plastic molding
13PP co-polymer general purpose

“Silver package” 
Quarterly pricing report for all CEE


Date of issue:
27th July 2006
27th Oct 2006
27th Jan. 2007 
27th April 2007 

  • Electronic version in pdf


  • Pricing trends of last quarter (detailed by country and resin)
  • Facts behind the price changes
  • Comparison with European and world wide trends
  • Price expectations for next quarter
  • Price expectations for the next for the next four quarters


  • PDF version : € 3500,- /year

Monthly Pricing report for all CEE


Date of issue:

Every month 27th

  • Electronic version in pdf,


  • Pricing trends of last month(detailed by country and resin)
  • Facts behind the price changes
  • Comparison with European and world wide trends
  • Price expectations for next month


Pdf version, 1 copy: € 5000,-/year


All reports and charts to be released in English language.

 “Golden package” 
Quarterly inventory report for all CEE


Date of issue:
27th July 2006
27th Oct 2006
27th Jan. 2007 
27th April 2007 

  • Electronic version in pdf,


  • Inventory trends of last quarter (detailed by country and resin)
  • Inventory trends and price trends, comparison, analysis
  • Inventory level by process type (detailed regional level)
  • Facts behind the inventory changes
  • Inventory level expectations for next quarter
  • Inventory level expectations for the next for the next four quarter


  • PDF version : € 3500,- /year

Monthly Inventory report for all CEE


Date of issue:

Every month 27th

  • Electronic version in pdf,


  • Inventory trends of last month (detailed by country and resin)
  • Inventory trends and price trends,
  • Inventory level by process type (detailed regional level)
  • Facts behind the inventory changes
  • Inventory level expectations for next month


Pdf version, 1 copy: € 5000,-/ year


All reports and charts to be released in English language.


  • Purchase minimum 5 units of Bronze package for € 1000,-
  • Bronze 5 units + Silver package: 3%- discount on the total purchase
  • Bronze 5 units + Silver package+ Gold: 6% discount on the total purchase

All reports and charts to be released in the English language.
V. The registration process 
We sincerely hope to have raised your interest in our service. For more detailed information please send an e-mail to: [email protected]. Our colleague will contact you either by phone and/or by e-mail and is at your disposal to answer your questions related to the service.

click here to do download our plastic resin company profile